Solitaire Plus! is a collection of card games that you can play by yourself. It includes the games that you are familiar with from Windows (Solitaire, Freecell, Spider Solitaire) and some others (30 in total).
So what is so cool about this software to make it worth installing and eventually buying? Well, the first thing is obvious: the collection itself. When you are bored with one type of game, you can try another. Second, the graphics look better than in Windows’ solitaire games. Almost all the visuals can be customized to fit your personal preferences. Statistics are generated but they are nothing fancy. They just show how many times you've won and lost.
The sound effects you hear in the game are not exceptional, but they are pleasant. There is a feature in the application that the developers call “Smart Dragging”. It’s not really that smart. All that it actually does is place your card automatically in an available position (if it exists). The advantage is that you don’t have to drag it all the way, just pick it up, move it a little bit and release the mouse button. The problems are that sometimes it doesn’t pick the location that you have in mind and that it can motivate you to get lazy and let it do the work of finding an available spot. This of course, takes out the fun from the game. Fortunately, the feature can be disabled.
To sum up, this is a good piece of software. It looks better than Windows’ games, it acts better, it customizes better and it has a decent buying price.
A collection of 570 multi-featured, very different solitaire card games to play